Evaluation Faculty of Psychology completed


The evaluation of the Faculty of Psychology was concluded with implementation discussions and agreements between the Faculty and the Rectorate. Particular attention was paid to the three focus topics agreed in advance: (1) developing branding and reputation, (2) career paths for doctoral students and postdocs and (3) optimizing the Master's degree program.

As part of the evaluation, the faculty initially carried out a self-evaluation. In June 2023, an on-site visit by international peers chaired by Professor Denise de Ridder (Universiteit Utrecht) took place.

Overall, the reviewers rated the faculty's performance in research and teaching very positively. “The panel is impressed by the many positive developments that have taken place in the past six years since the previous evaluation regarding all three main parameters of academic achievements, i.e. research, education, and societal impact (‘third mission’). In particular, the recruitment of a considerable number of new professors on strategic positions, substantive external funding of research by grants from prestigious bodies, scientific publications in high impact journals, as well as increased societal visibility (as witnessed from the Altmetrics) should be mentioned in this regard.”

The peers' written report addresses the focus topics in detail and provides suggestions for further development. The Rectorate discussed the evaluation results in detail with the faculty management. Many expert suggestions for improvement were included in the implementation agreement. The agreed measures are monitored as part of the target agreement process.

The evaluation report and statement by the Faculty of Psychology are available to university members at https://qs.univie.ac.at/en/evaluation/faculties-centres/evaluation-reports/.

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